Get Your Domain Name
A domain name is a unique name or address you want to give to your website that can be used on the Internet. A typical domain name is the thing that looks like the following: “”. e.g.

You should register your domain name through a domain name registrar or a hosting provider. In order to register your domain name, you will have to visit some domain registrar like or etc. and actually register it. Domain names are registered on an annual basis, and you can usually register it many years in advance or you can set auto renewal mode when it expired. A domain name will cost typically between $7 and $30 a year.
Choose a Domain Name
When you choose a domain name, choose wisely because this name will represent your content or brand. A domain name provides extra branding for your site and makes it easier for people to remember the URL. So you have to select a Domain Name something that fits and is memorable.
When you register a domain name, your details, such as name and address, are recorded in the database along with the registered domain name. The registered date and time are also recorded. These data are publicly available for anyone via the WHOIS lookup service provided by, etc.
Following are some leading Domain Name registrar websites: